Outstanding Non-Profit Executive Brings Three Decades of Experience—and a Passion for Animal Welfare—to the Role
BOSTON, March 19, 2020 – Upon the successful conclusion of a nationwide search, the MSPCA-Angell’s Board of Directors today announced the appointment of Neal Litvack as President and CEO, replacing Carter Luke, who will retire on April 3rd.
Litvack, who will begin work at the MSPCA on April 27, joins from the American Red Cross, where he has been since 2009. The Red Cross is a globally-recognized nonprofit that provides humanitarian aid and teaching skills, and responds to over 64,000 disasters every year as well as providing and safeguarding a significant portion of the country’s blood supply.
Litvack served in a number of roles at the Red Cross. As Chief Marketing Officer, Litvack oversaw brand development, stewardship and strategy. In addition, Litvack modernized the centralized database of donors and prospects, rolled out new product and development service offerings, and led the re-design of Red Cross enterprise websites (redcross.org and redcrossblood.org), deploying the latest technologies to optimize user experience, maximize donor support and reinforce key brand attributes.
As Chief Development Officer, Litvack was responsible for $630 million in annual fundraising and $2.7 billion in additional funds for major disasters.
Thought Leadership Personified
Communicating the Red Cross’ vast and complex story to hundreds of thousands of donors and other constituents has been a mission unto itself, and Litvack’s unmatched executive stewardship was highlighted in a recent episode of the Brand on Purpose podcast, in which he shared his vision for broadly communicating the work done by purpose-driven organizations that change lives for the better.
From 2003 to 2009, Litvack served as Chief Operating and Financial Officer at Milton Academy, in Milton, Mass., where he managed operations, infrastructure and capital projects, all while teaching AP-level economics and psychology classes.
Litvack has also held senior marketing, finance and operations roles at for-profit companies including Fidelity Investments, where he served as President of Retail Marketing, as well as Natixis Investments, HBO and General Foods (now Kraft).
Deep Commitment to Animal Welfare
Litvack’s vast and diverse professional experience is matched by his passion for the MSPCA’s mission—to protect animals, and to advance their health and welfare. This makes him the perfect candidate for the job.
“I’m honored by this once-in-a-career opportunity to combine my leadership experience in for-profit and nonprofit organizations with my passion for animals,” said Litvack, upon accepting the position. “So much of what I have done professionally, and in my board work, has well prepared me to take the helm of the most recognized and accomplished animal welfare charity in the Northeast.”
Litvack serves on the board of PetSmart Charities, which is committed to finding lifelong, loving homes for all pets by supporting programs and thought leadership that bring people and pets together. He has previously served on the boards of renowned animal protection groups including the Animal Rescue League of Boston and Buddy Dog Humane Society.
“Neal quickly revealed himself to be a highly qualified executive with experience in many various and relevant areas,” remarked Lynn Dayton, Vice Chair of the MSPCA-Angell Board, and Chair of the search committee. “Neal has a great track record of success applying those skills thoughtfully to mission-driven organizations.”
Litvack joins the MSPCA at a time of significant growth. In 2019, the organization completed its Angell Centennial Campaign, raising $26 million to revolutionize care at Angell. The hospital now has an all-new Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine and a new I-131 suite to treat hyperthyroidism in cats, in addition to extensive modernization of its clinical facilities.
The campaign’s most ambitious project yet, a complete overhaul of Angell’s Critical Care Unit (CCU), will kick off this summer. Once built, the all-new CCU will be brighter and bigger, include the latest state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment technology, and cement Angell’s reputation as the preeminent 24/7 emergency and specialty hospital.
Judy Malone, Chairperson of the MSPCA-Angell Board of Directors, said that the board is confident that the right candidate has been hired. The search process was rigorous, and Litvack was the unanimous choice, not only for his deep and broad executive experience but also for his demonstrated commitment to animal welfare.
“It’s no secret that the world of veterinary medicine is rapidly changing, with pet owners demanding ever more sophisticated care for pets expected to live increasingly longer—and better—lives,” she said. “The MSPCA-Angell is a 24/7 animal hospital that requires a strong and thoughtful manager at the helm.”
“At the same time, the MSPCA-Angell must retain and build on its legacy as a world-class animal welfare organization, operating three Animal Care and Adoption Centers across the state, in addition to an anti-cruelty investigative unit that handles some 1,300 animal cruelty complaints every year, and an advocacy team that tirelessly lobbies for stronger animal protection laws and policies,” said Malone.
“Neal has demonstrated both a passion for this work—and the ability to successfully execute a shared vision. We are profoundly grateful to have him join us,” she added.