
from Neal Litvack,
President & CEO

2021 was once again a challenging period for the MSPCA-Angell, but still we rose to the occasion: sheltering, healing and protecting more than 100,000 animals. And, thanks to your support, we're cementing Angell Animal Medical Center's reputation as the foremost emergency and specialty animal hospital in the world!

4,460 Animals placed into
adoptive homes

The World Leader in Veterinary Medicine

Angell Animal Medical Center

More than 100 top-flight veterinarians, working across the Angell Animal Medical Center network, provided life-saving, compassionate care to well over 100,000 beloved pets in 2021.

The Future: World Class 24/7 Emergency Care, Leaving No Animal Behind

The Future: World Class 24/7 Emergency Care, Leaving No Animal Behind

Your enduring support of our mission ensured the animals in our care thrived during the most challenging year in the MSPCA-Angell's history. Not only have we expanded the reach and impact of our relocation, sheltering, law enforcement and advocacy programs — which you'll read about below — but 2022 marks the opening of our all-new Critical Care Unit (CCU), the totally reconfigured space that encompasses two floors and thousands more square feet of treatment area to keep pace with Angell's meteoric case load. Our CCU makes use of the very latest diagnostic and treatment technologies and cements Angell's reputation as the foremost 24/7 emergency and specialty hospital on the planet.

Saving them All, Together with Northeast Animal Shelter

Life-Saving Care at Northeast Animal Shelter Helps Thousands of Animals

For animals in need of love, care and a home —whether in Massachusetts, Florida, Georgia and elswhere — our affiliation with the Northeast Animal Shelter proved a lifeline in 2021, a year in which we transported nearly 4,000 dogs and cats from areas of the country where adoptive homes are sparse to Massachusetts, where loving families awaited them.

Watch Transport Video
Veterinarians delivered compassionate care to animals including dogs, cats, birds, ferrets, rabbits — and so many more
Animals received life-saving emergency treatment
Life-saving vaccines administered
Pets treated across the Angell Boston, Waltham, Westford, Danvers, and MSPCA-Angell adoption center clinics

65,477 Hours logged by 619 volunteers who helped care for animals in our adoption centers

Inside and Outside our Adoption Centers

We placed more than 4,400 animals into loving adoptive homes in the last year, despite the pandemic's continued impact on our operations. Our adoption center teams worked tirelessly to find a home for every animal in our care. And our affiliation with Salem's Northeast Animal Shelter, announced at the start of 2021, helped us relocate hundreds more pets from areas of the country where adoption prospects are bleak to Massachusetts, where loving homes await!

Two Million Pet Meals Delivered

Two Million Pet Meals Delivered

Our Community Outreach teams hit a major milestone in 2021: The delivery of more than two million meals to food pantries and pet owners struggling to care for their pets. These subsidized meals have meant the difference between an empty bowl and a full stomach for hungry dogs and cats. Our Community Outreach team met nearly 2,000 new pets in 2021 and, through these efforts, we are actively supporting the health and safety of more than 6,400 pets.

Click for more about what motivates this team to go above and beyond
Dog Hit by Train Saved at Angell Animal Medical Center

Dog Hit by Train Saved at Angell Animal Medical Center

It's every pet owner's nightmare: a catastrophic accident that threatens the life of a beloved animal. When Great Dane "Frankie" was struck by a train, his family rushed him to Angell Animal Medical Center, where veterinarians saved his life.

Click here to watch the video
Pets helped at the end of their lives through our pet loss services, with 87 beloved animals laid to rest at our Hillside Acre Pet Cemetery
Animals placed into adoptive homes
Steeply discounted spay and neuter surgeries performed at our Community Clinics, which are staffed by eight veterinarians and based inside our adoption centers
Low-cost subsidized medical treatments performed inside our Community Clinics

1,254 Children attended humane education programming, such as summer camps, junior volunteer programs, family service days, and reading programs

Strengthening Animal Protection in Massachusetts

Passing robust, comprehensive animal protection laws — and ensuring compliance with those laws — are the cornerstone efforts of the MSPCA's Advocacy and Law Enforcement programs. And in the year that was, these teams were busier than ever, ensuring every animal in Massachusetts, be they pets or wild, is safe from harm and free from exploitation.

Advocacy Highlights

Law Enforcement Highlights

2,340,000 pet meals delivered directly to families in need and through a network of 54 neighborhood food pantries

The American Fondouk and the MSPCA-Angell; Two Non-Profit Organizations with a Shared History

The American Fondouk, operating in Fez, Morocco, provides charitable veterinary care for the working animals of Morocco. It's been nearly 100 years since the MSPCA formed the American Fondouk Maintenance Committee to protect the working animals in Morocco. Our team worked day and night in 2021 to provide lifesaving care to donkeys, mules, and horses who remain vital to Morocco's economy, and on whom thousands of families depend.

Saved by the Fondouk, Aamil the Donkey Now Home with His Family

Saved by the Fondouk, Aamil the Donkey Now Home with His Family

A family desperate to save their donkey, near fatally ill with colic, had nowhere else to turn — but fortunately the Fondouk was there for Aamil, who before treatment was too weak even to stand. But our team administered the life-saving medical treatment Aamil needed and, amazingly, he was back on his feet in just one week. Aamil is now back at home with his very grateful family.

Recovered After a Near Fatal Freak Accident

Recovered After a Near Fatal Freak Accident

A freak accident led to a near fatal stab wound for a mule when he got too close to a nervous cow who panicked and gored him. His family wrapped the critically injured mule in a blanket and rushed him to the Fondouk, where eight medical professionals worked for hours to piece him back together. Thankfully, he survived! And he is now back at home, safe and sound.

Financial Report

Despite the continued challenges faced in 2021, the MSPCA-Angell once again closed the year in a very strong position, thanks to the generosity of our donors, and our team's steadfast commitment to our mission.

Increased operating revenue by 10% or $8.1 million

Spent 90% of every dollar on programs that directly benefit animals

Received $5.7 Million in Bequests from Lifelong Donors who included us in their estate planning

Granted nearly $4 million in charitable veterinary care to homeless animals, as well as for financially needy pet owners

See Full Financial Information

MSPCA-Angell in the News

Here's a sampling of the good that has come out of our work this past year.

Ollie's Law Coalition to Rally on State House Steps

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MSPCA Files 15 Felony Animal Cruelty Charges in Western Massachusetts Cat Cruelty Case

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Tiny Kitten Named "Nicholas" Needs Surgery to Mend his Broken Heart

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MSPCA-Angell and Northeast Animal Shelter Announce Next Fee-Waived Adoptathon for Small Pets!

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MSPCA-Angell and Northeast Animal Shelter Relocate 49 Animals from Tulsa Following Hoarding Case

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MSPCA-Angell's Community Outreach Team Finds Rare African Wildcat in Lincoln!

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20 Dogs from Storm-Ravaged Kentucky Arrive in Massachusetts

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The MSPCA-Angell and Northeast Animal Shelter Relocate Over 100 Animals from Storm-Ravaged Texas to Massachusetts

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MSPCA at Nevins Farm Takes in 23 Yorkie-Chihuahua Mixes from a Single Home, Seeks Adopters

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Getting the News Out

Raised through online peer-to-peer fundraising, social media and TeamRaiser events, such as our virtual Fast and Furriest 5K run and our annual Spin for Animals event
People follow MSPCA-Angell news on social media, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube
People received monthly MSPCA-Angell e-newsletters
Boston-area readers viewed our Angell print advertisements in local newspapers while our digital ads reached five million views
Supporters received the Companion newsletter, while thousands more accessed it online
Angell alumni read our Alumni Newsletter, and several hundred of these alumni remain active members of our Angell Animal Medical Center Alumni Facebook group
Referring primary-care veterinary practices received our Partners in Care newsletter

Featured Donors

Shaun McMahon and Juan Carlos Pinedo

Shaun McMahon and Juan Carlos Pinedo

For Shaun McMahon and Juan Carlos Pinedo, supporting the MSPCA is a deeply personal endeavor. Nine years ago, the couple welcomed Labrador Retriever siblings Mystère and Lola into their family and enjoyed almost an entire decade of love and companionship — years filled with trips to the beach, swimming, ball chasing, countless treats, kisses, and playing. For all of that time, the dogs were healthy and happy, never once having to make that dreaded trip to the animal ER. But all that ended in May of 2021, when Mystère was diagnosed with cancer.

Shaun and Juan Carlos fought with all they had — Mystère did, too — pursuing treatment that included chemotherapy and radiation under the care of Dr. Jessica Talbott of Angell Animal Medical Center's Oncology team. Throughout Mystère's treatment, marked by stretches in which Shaun and Juan Carlos could only speak with Dr. Talbott via phone because of the pandemic, Mystère maintained the sweet, happy, and energetic personality that so endeared her to all she met. Her heroic, six-month-long effort to save her came to an end late last year when Mystère made clear to Shaun and Juan Carlos that the battle was over, and she was ready to put down her orange ball.

Saying goodbye to Mystère is one of the hardest things Shaun and Juan Carlos have endured, and the pair remains grateful to Dr. Talbott, and the entire Angell team, for staying by their side. Shaun and Juan Carlos made a significant donation in memory of Mystère, in honor of Dr. Talbott, and to ensure other pets in need could receive the highest quality medical care available. We in turn are grateful to Shaun and Juan Carlos for their love and devotion they shower on their pets, and their support of the MSPCA's good work.

Ruth Giusti

Ruth Giusti

Ruth Giusti of Florida died last year at the age of 96, and the generosity of spirit that she exhibited throughout her life will be forever remembered by the animals who are safer, healthier and happier because of her. Ruth was a lifelong champion of animals — who had long adopted elder animals from shelters in Massachusetts as well as in Florida, where she lived in the latter half of her life — bequeathed the bulk of her estate to the MSPCA, and to an organization in Florida that cares for animals whose owners are in hospice care.

Ruth grew up in Woburn and, according to those who knew and loved her, was besotted with dogs — especially older dogs who would languish in animal shelters and look on as puppies and younger four-leggeds were quickly adopted. From full-sized Poodles, to Bulldogs and Pomeranians, Ruth welcomed so many into her home throughout her long life. She even adopted a dog after her 95th birthday!

Ruth was the classic "everyday animal hero,"" who lived her life in service to the voiceless and her gift ensures that her legacy of kindness will live on. We pledge to do all we can to honor her through the lives her generosity will transform.

Emily and William Magruder

Emily and William Magruder

Generous annual donors Emily and William Magruder have enjoyed the companionship of animals for as long as they can remember. According to Emily — who's had pet cats throughout her life — pets are "a big part of what defines a home for us." Now with two young children, the couple is especially eager to pass along their love of animals, and the importance of keeping them safe and healthy.

Both Emily and William have seen firsthand the extraordinary care provided by the veterinary team at Angell Animal Medical Center, where their pets have been treated over the years. We, in turn, are grateful for their support, as well as the keen interest they have in ensuring animal welfare charities, such as ours, have the resources needed to care for homeless pets, support low-income pet owners in our communities, and advance animal health science.

The couples' generous support means the MSPCA can continue performing these vital services long into the future.

John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation

John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation

The MSPCA's relationship with the John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation stretches back to 2019 and a gift of $200,000 to support the MSPCA at Nevins Farm Centennial Project, which modernized and expanding our farm's aging infrastructure to ensure the safety and comfort of the animals in our care. The Foundation's generosity ensured that original, decades-old buildings — unfit for the kind of work expected of a 21st century leader in animal welfare — could be modernized. The farm was also able to establish more flexible housing — so that space could be optimally used no matter the homeless animal fluxuations so common to our line of work.

The Foundation provided yet another generous gift in the spring of 2021 to help us establish the New England Equine Relief Network, a coalition of regional humane groups working together to ensure horse owners in need receive food relief and basic veterinary and farrier care for their horses. The coalition takes a proactive approach to equine welfare, keeping horses and people together during crisis, which prevents the surrender of horses to shelters. The Foundation also provided a $25,000 grant to help Nevins Farm take care of animals during the pandemic — a time marked by increased animal surrenders and a very challenging fundraising environment.

The John T. and Jane A. Wiederhold Foundation has made it possible for our Nevins Farm to dramatically expand its animal protection work and for that we are truly grateful.


Our Donors

No matter the dollar amount, the MSPCA-Angell is profoundly grateful for the support we receive from donors. Below is a list of donors who have made the world kinder, more compassionate, and more considerate of animals by donating at least $500. We thank them for supporting our good work.

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Gifts In Kind

We gratefully acknowledge the valuable donations of time, talent, expertise, merchandise, and services valued at $500 or more received from the following individuals and businesses during 2021.

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Our Donors

Gifts in Kind