Each year, thousands of animals arrive at the MSPCA-Cape Cod, almost all in need of some type of medical care. Some may only need basic vaccines or routine surgery, while others may be suffering serious injury or living with undiagnosed and untreated illnesses. As a non-profit organization, our resources are limited when it comes to caring for expensive and time-consuming medical cases. That is why the development of the Guardian Angel Fund became necessary to help those animals most in need of our care and support.
Donate to the Guardian Angel Fund Today!
This special fund is supported through the donations of generous people like you, who help us care for the sick and injured animals who cannot care for themselves. The Guardian Angel Fund has helped address the medical concerns for thousands of animals, including dental extractions, emergency leg amputations, hip surgery, and open chest heart surgery. You can make a donation online by clicking on the button above or you can mail donations to:
MSPCA Cape Cod
Attn: Guardian Angel Fund
1577 Falmouth Rd.
Centerville, MA 02632
If you prefer, you can donate over the phone by calling (617) 500-1647.
The pictures and stories below are just a few of the animals who have been helped through our Guardian Angel Fund.