Boston City Council Lauds the MSPCA-Angell’s Community Outreach Team on World Spay Day
Presents Resolution Highlighting the MSPCA’s Work to Protect Pets within Boston’s Most Vulnerable Communities
BOSTON, Feb. 25, 2020 – City Councilor Matt O’Malley, on behalf of the Boston City Council, will present a resolution to the MSPCA-Angell on Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020 in recognition of the critical strides the organization has taken to reduce the homeless pet population, and to keep pets and their families together in Boston, the organization announced today.
The Boston City Council has declared Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2020 World Spay Day and congratulates the MSPCA for the work it does to ensure the health and vibrancy of the animal community in Boston, and across the Commonwealth, by way of MSPCA-C.A.R.E.S., an initiative that focuses on breaking down barriers to services and resources for families with pets.
The resolution will be presented to members of the MSPCA Advocacy and Community Outreach teams before its City Council meeting at noon on Wednesday, Feb. 26 inside the Ianella Chamber at Boston City Hall.
Members of the media are invited to the ceremony, after which members of the City Council, and MSPCA officials, will answer questions and take photos. Photo opportunities include:
- The resolution itself, as well as MSPCA officials posing with it
- Dog(s), who will be in attendance, along with members of a family that the MSPCA’s community outreach efforts have helped
- City Councilors and MSPCA officials making remarks from the podium
“I am thrilled to partner with the MSPCA-Angell to promote awareness of the importance of having pets spayed or neutered at the next Boston City Council meeting,” said Councilor Matt O’Malley, who was the author of the ordinance banning the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores in the City of Boston in 2016.
“This is a great opportunity to educate pet owners on ways to support their pets’ health and extend their lives, and this service will help address overcrowding in animal shelters,” added O’Malley.
The full text of the resolution is below.
WHEREAS: February 26th is widely recognized as World Spay Day since it was established in 1995 by the Doris Day Animal League; and
WHEREAS: World Spay Day is recognized in over 70 countries to bring attention to the importance of spaying or neutering animals and the need for affordable services in our communities; and
WHEREAS: Pets provide companionship to 68% of U.S. households; and
WHEREAS: Of the 3 million cats and dogs that are euthanized in shelters each year, approximately 2.4 million are healthy and adoptable; and
WHEREAS: Spay/neutering a pet is an effective and humane way to save animals’ lives and prevent surplus litters and reduce the number of animals that are put down in animal shelters; and
WHEREAS: Neutered male dogs live 18% longer than intact male dogs and spayed female dogs live 23% longer than intact female dogs; and
WHEREAS: Neutered dogs can help curb aggressive, curb undesirable behaviors such as marking, and reduce a dogs risk of certain tumors and cancers with spay/neuter surgery; and
WHEREAS: There are numerous programs sponsored by Boston-based non-profits, such as the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (MSPCA) that offer spay and neutering surgery for animals in low-income communities free of charge as well as offer to do the surgery to the general public; and
WHEREAS: The MSPCA-Angell, located in Jamaica Plain, does community outreach to provide resources and services, such as providing spay or neuter surgery, and vaccinations. The MSPCA-Angell, through a continued presence in Boston’s communities seeks to create a safety net for family pets; and
WHEREAS: The MSPCA-Angell’s community outreach in Boston in 2019 has resulted in meeting 737 families and 975 pets who became clients. The MSPCA-Angell conducted 437 spay/neuter surgeries, conducted 677 veterinary visits, and provided 27,184 meals to pets for free to families with lower incomes; NOW THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED: That the Boston City Council, in meeting assembled, does hereby declare that February 25, 2020 as “World Spay Day,” and congratulates and thanks animal welfare organizations like the MSPCA for ensuring the health and vibrancy of our animal community in Boston and throughout the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.